Thursday, 11 February 2010

Hello my name is John Broadhurst and i am currently studying BTEC Fine Art at college. I take a great interest in art and Ive have been doing it most of my life, in high school and in my spair time. I love to just sit and draw anything that captures my interest. Also i enjoy to use my camera to take pictures of my surroundings and when i am out and about on my skateboard.
I also enjoy travelling and the places Ive been to have inspired me in my work; particularly seeing different types of architecture and culture. I went to America a few years back and i loved every day i spent there. I visited lots of the famous art museums in New York, such as MOMA.

I am really interested in the Fine Art programme because i think it suits me really well. I enjoy to experiment with different techniques so i can get the best out of my work. I am always experimenting with different medias and techniques because this opens up new types of work processes. i like to read into different artists and see who's out there. one of my favourite artists is Banksy, a graffiti based artists who uses different types of imagery to put over a point. Coming to University and starting a new programme to me is a new and harder task that i cannot wait to get started on. It will make me work to that higher level in my art that i want to be at. I went to the open day at Manchester and i got a really good feeling about the university, the course sounds great for me.
i am a very hard worker and i always try to work to the best of my ability's. I am a good time keeper and can always hand work in for deadlines.

here i used black ink on top of coffe stained paper.

Preliminary mono print for Landskape surfaces project.

Here are two more mono prints mounted up.

Lino prints used for family project.

3 colograph prints mounted up for landscape surfaces project

1 of the previous colograph prints up-close

Ink drawing. done with black ink on top of a newspaper with white emulsion paint.

A1 sheet for covers and clothes first year.

Another A1 sheet for covers and clothes, first year.

A1 sheet for landscape surfaces. Done with coloured inks and paints.

Anoter sheet for landscape surfaces.